Tuesday 20 August 2024

Clearing the Camera #2

Hello there! I'm just getting rid of the extra photos that were tagged onto our Prague holiday batch. Yes, we eventually made it - 3rd times a charm! Air traffic control issues caused our first cancellation and the 2nd time we booked a last minute holiday, only for them to tell us after a couple of days that it was no longer available. Attempt number 3, however, went without a hitch and the photos will follow soon.

Here then is a very quick run through of a few days out etc. prior to our holiday:

The annual outdoor Shakespeare play and picnic at Shaw House, our local Elizabethan manor. It's always good and this year's was no exception:

A return trip to NT's Grey's Court. The last time we visited, I regretted not taking a photo of the blanket shown below. I'd love to make something similar at some point:

Trying my hand at colourwork. I was very slow, but have now completed the band of pattern on the body of my sweater. There are matching bands on the sleeves still to come:
Swimming in the sea at Christchurch; it was bliss!
A trip to Stourhead to meet my friend, S. It was a wonderful day out and the gluten free, vegan pasty and carrot cake were an added bonus!

The Importance of Being Earnest at The Vyne, complete with sushi picnic. I found the production a little OTT in places and the stage was arranged so that we were all squinting into the setting sun - not the best:

A D-Day convoy coming through the town:

Lastly, another New Era production. Sadly, I was unwell on the evening and convinced R to go without me. Apparently, it was very good!
Well, that's the extras removed; the main event will follow soon. I hope that everything is tickety boo at your end.

Toodle pip for now. x


  1. So many open air productions in your corner. How lovely. I managed to get to one Shakespeare play outdoors this year which is a plus. Looking forward to hearing about Prague. B x

  2. Some Shakespeare and some lovely days out! How nice!

  3. Yes, squinting into the sun is no good. We had that pleasure when eating at a village pub near here a while back. Really frustrating. I love the knitted blanket. Squares are honestly my favourite thing. I look at all the other fancy patterns for patchwork and other things and I always end up liking the squares best. More restful for the brain I think! CJ xx
